Designated Corridors

  • With the areas identified from the mapping, surveys and interviews, communities can identify at risk commercial areas and designate special corridors where policies and programs can be implemented.

  • The community can create a Business Improvement District (BID) or Community Improvement District (CID) where proceeds from a district tax are used to enhance and support the local businesses and properties.

  • A Tax Allocation District (TAD) offers areas the opportunity to reinvest incremental tax base increases to improve infrastructure.

  • Overlay zoning can be added to protect small businesses (see below) as well as other programs and policies in this section.

  • Smaller area planning programs such as the Livable centers Initiative (LCI) can envision key corridors as vibrant walkable places and allow communities to be eligible for millions of dollars in transportation funds.

  • See the Georgia State University and Livable Center Initiative Case Studies.

Other Property-Based Policies & Programs:


Asset Inventory


Zoning Restrictions & Incentives