and Small Business Retention/Expansion

How to use
this toolkit

This toolkit is best utilized by local governments or quasi- governmental agencies, developers, and/or businesses. The process should start by identifying at-risk areas, corridors, and/or sites.

For maximum effectiveness, the local government should identify key organizations or individuals designated to undertake implementation and evaluation of the tools. This may be a:

  • Local government project manager

  • Downtown Development Authority or Development Authority

  • Chamber of Commerce

  • Main Street program

  • or other community development organization.

By designating a responsible individual/organization, there can be clear accountability and evaluation on the effectiveness of programs. In consultation with the needs of the businesses and community from the surveys and interview, appropriate policies and programs may be crafted and adopted for implementation. Resources should be provided for implementation and an annual evaluation of policy and program effectiveness is recommended. Based upon the results from the evaluation, tweaks may be made to the policies and programs.

Keep track of your progress in our interactive worksheet, linked here.

Get started by selected the “I am…” and the “And I’m concerned with” categories to see specific programs that address your needs or just scroll below to see all policies and programs.